So, on Thursday, the family and I were out late doing some running around and we went to dinner at Bay Breeze(a seafood restaurant in Mableton, Ga) since it was getting late. Well everything was going good until tables around us were getting their orders before us....even though they had ordered after us or were seated much later than we were. Well my husband is much of the time very impatient and he started pointing out that this was going on. We couldn't see our waitress, but after a few minutes she and a waiter brought out our food....problem number 2: my son's order wasn't in the group. She told us that his order just didn't fit on the trays that they brought out and that she was bringing it right back. After about 5 minutes she came back and said that the kitchen forgot to make his order and that they were getting it together and that they were sorry for the delay. By that time, my husband was a little ticked off; 1. because his son didn't have his food yet and 2. because his shrimp weren't hot (like they'd been sitting for a while before being brought out).
Finally, my son got his food and we all finished eating (except for the shrimp). Duhn, duhn, duhnnnnn...time to pay the check. Now, I must give my husband credit where credit is due...he is a good tipper, and I've seen him go way above and beyond when the service is impressively good, but this time he was not happy at all and he was threatening to not leave the waitress a tip at all. But something inside me (Holy Spirit) made me fight for her....we kind of got the feeling that she might have been new on the job by the way the other waiter helped her out and having been restaurant owners, for a brief moment in time, we knew that sometimes people just have off days. And after a few minutes of back and forth I just told my husband to 'be a blessing to spite of all her flaws tonight, be a blessing to her.' And jokingly I told him to write on the check, 'You don't deserve this tip, but neither did I deserve salvation. Merry Christmas.,' and he actually wrote it on there....but he also left her more than she earned on her tip.
Fast forward to Friday night....we went Mexican tonight (El Monterrey, Tucker, Ga) and it was awesome as usual. Service was friendly and prompt and the food was great. At the end of the meal our waiter brought the check and when my husband looked at it it read $4.82....Now we are a family of 5 and we thought oh the waiter must have made a mistake. So my husband took it to him while I got the kids into their coats and the guy told him that the check was correct because a gentleman 2 tables over from us paid the majority of the bill for us. Wow! I have heard of that happening before, but it had never happened to me. And when we got to the car, my husband reminded me of what I said at the other restaurant about being a blessing to the waitress. God in turn showed us favor because we were obedient in showing mercy to the waitress and blessing her in spite of. I serve THE Awesome God!!!!!! :-)
Bis Spӓter <3 span="span">3>
Getting Back To Me....
Finding my way back to me, after being a stay at home mom for 13 years...
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Saturday, July 21, 2012
So I wrote a poem...
While looking through an old journal of mine, I stumbled upon a poem I wrote on 9/22/2009...So I thought I'd share...Hope you like it!!!!
My Makeup
My makeup hides my mood, it's a lie.
My makeup disguises the way I feel inside.
Without I look cool, fabulous, and fly,
but within, I could just break down and cry.
Depression, oppression, what is this I'm feeling?
There are walls all around and above me no glass ceiling.
Is this my fate? Is this all life will be for me?
Giving up ME to do for my family?
I used to have BIG dreams...FADE...
I have visions now, or are they just notes on a page?
How do I believe again when they seem so far out of my grasp?
Should I just accept that they are wishes?
Like smoke from a birthday candle, they'll pass?
There has to be more for me!
I don't know how.
There has to be more for me!
Maybe just not now....
That's what I keep telling myself.
It's just not my time.
One day I'll have the FREEDOM to do more...
More time, more energy, more HELP!
In the dark of the night into my pillow I SCREAM!!!
Letting the pillowcase dry my tears.
You're my best friend, and you don't feel me.
You're my best friend, and I don't feel your support.
You're MY -- BEST -- FRIEND!!!!
At least that's what I thought....
You don't see my value,
You dismiss my wisdom for just talk.
I am a TREASURE that you would be proud of, if only you could really
But it's coming though..My day will be here soon.
And when it does, I won't push you aside or make you feel I don't need you.
So I'll continue to wear my makeup, to hide the pain I feel inside.
Until my inside feels as beautiful as my outside, and my makeup is
no longer a lie.
©Copyright 2009 Dera4life productions
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Back in the day....
So I guess I can just consider myself 'old school' now because I find myself saying more often, "remember back in the day when...." I'm not that old, I'm only 30*bleep*, but things sure did seem to change drastically in certain areas of life.
Today's 'back in the day when' moment happened when I saw this young girl, still in high school, wearing a wig....a BAD one I might add. Now I'm not knocking anyone for wearing wigs whether out of necessity or out of a sense of fashion, but when did they start wearing them soooo young?
When I was in high school, the most someone would do is put a track or two of weave in their hair, or add extensions for braids or cornrows....but man, these girls now have full on lace front wigs, in every color of the rainbow, down their back, etc. etc. (A lot of them also dress like 'shoe models', but that's a whole other story...smh). N-e-way...again, do you with your doo, but when it doesn't even look like it could, in the slightest possible way, be your real hair, doesn't compliment your skin tone, or starts looking like a family of birds and a couple of thieving squirrels live in it, DON'T DO IT!!!!!
My husband often rants about girls and women wearing bad wigs and wonders why they don't have folks that love them enough to say, 'hey, that's not a good look on you.' The more I see, the more inclined I am to help him form the 'Bad Wigs Be Gone' group that he threatens to make every month.
The right hair can do wonders for your overall look....I know, b/c for years my mom wore started b/c of a bad hair cut and then she just got used to the ease of being able to throw it on and go and not have to fuss over her own hair. But last year, she decided to begin just wearing her own hair again and it literally took YEARS off of her appearance and she gets oooo's and aaahhhh's all over the place about how beautiful her hair is.
In closing, if you can/will do it right, do your doo boo! But please, please, please don't let your friend walk around thinking she's fly with a busted head of 'hur.' Girls, don't add years to your's ok to want to look a little older, but not ok to look old and tired...and keep a great friend or family member around who is secure enough in your relationship to tell you the truth about your look. Ok? ~END RANT~
Bis Später!!!
Today's 'back in the day when' moment happened when I saw this young girl, still in high school, wearing a wig....a BAD one I might add. Now I'm not knocking anyone for wearing wigs whether out of necessity or out of a sense of fashion, but when did they start wearing them soooo young?
When I was in high school, the most someone would do is put a track or two of weave in their hair, or add extensions for braids or cornrows....but man, these girls now have full on lace front wigs, in every color of the rainbow, down their back, etc. etc. (A lot of them also dress like 'shoe models', but that's a whole other story...smh). N-e-way...again, do you with your doo, but when it doesn't even look like it could, in the slightest possible way, be your real hair, doesn't compliment your skin tone, or starts looking like a family of birds and a couple of thieving squirrels live in it, DON'T DO IT!!!!!
My husband often rants about girls and women wearing bad wigs and wonders why they don't have folks that love them enough to say, 'hey, that's not a good look on you.' The more I see, the more inclined I am to help him form the 'Bad Wigs Be Gone' group that he threatens to make every month.
The right hair can do wonders for your overall look....I know, b/c for years my mom wore started b/c of a bad hair cut and then she just got used to the ease of being able to throw it on and go and not have to fuss over her own hair. But last year, she decided to begin just wearing her own hair again and it literally took YEARS off of her appearance and she gets oooo's and aaahhhh's all over the place about how beautiful her hair is.
In closing, if you can/will do it right, do your doo boo! But please, please, please don't let your friend walk around thinking she's fly with a busted head of 'hur.' Girls, don't add years to your's ok to want to look a little older, but not ok to look old and tired...and keep a great friend or family member around who is secure enough in your relationship to tell you the truth about your look. Ok? ~END RANT~
Bis Später!!!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Unable to praise God enough!
Around 1:30 am Tuesday morning as I was finally getting to bed I heard a loud CRACK, then a POP, a whoosh and then a boom. A big oak tree in my backyard had fallen. There was no wind and no rain or any other outside force that would make it fall other than the tree being dead.
Well as soon as I heard the first crack, I knew which tree it was and I was terrified because I knew that it had the possibility of falling on the house and it's path would be to hit our deck and my daughter's bedroom, right above her bed where she was sleeping. So my husband and I jumped up out of bed and went to take a look and we were relieved to know that it didn't make a direct hit with the house. The next morning we were able to see the full scope of what happened:
If God's hand hadn't caused the tree to make that 1/4 turn, it would have landed on the deck and over my daughter's room and bed between those two windows. If God's hand hadn't turned that tree, the outcome could have been my family in the hospital waiting room or worse, the tragedy of losing my 6 year old daughter....Had it not been for God's merciful, wonderful, gracious hand, things would have been in a bad state for my family. So I am GRATEFUL for God and His mercy shown to us on last night. And my mere 'thank you' to Him for sparing my daughter's life and sparing my family another tragedy, just doesn't seem like enough....Now I truly understand for myself the phrase "If I had 10,000 tongues, I still could not praise Him enough." God is so great and I give HIM all the glory, honor, and praise for what He did for us. GOD IS MORE THAN AWESOME and I will forever love Him and for ever give Him praise! Hallelujah!!!!! Thank You Jesus!
Well as soon as I heard the first crack, I knew which tree it was and I was terrified because I knew that it had the possibility of falling on the house and it's path would be to hit our deck and my daughter's bedroom, right above her bed where she was sleeping. So my husband and I jumped up out of bed and went to take a look and we were relieved to know that it didn't make a direct hit with the house. The next morning we were able to see the full scope of what happened:
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The top reached all the way to the parking area on the side of the house |
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It (conveniently) landed on the woodpile |
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It cracked (dead and hollow inside) and made a 1/4 turn when it fell |
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This is where my daughter was asleep |
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The gutter sustained all the damage |
Friday, November 25, 2011
I'm only human
I'm having a moment. I don't want to do the 'right thing,' I want to do the mean and spiteful thing that shows them how I feel....unappreciated, taken for granted, disrespected, devalued! But I can't go through with it. It's not the good in me, it HAS TO BE the Holy Spirit. That still, small voice that broke through my angry thoughts to say, 'You know that's not the right thing to do. Those actions will only bind you, not them. The Word says not to return evil for evil.' I'm so thankful for the Holy Spirit and His guidance, He keeps me in line even when my flesh doesn't want to be. Ok....end rant...
Bis Spӓter <3 <3 <3
Thursday, November 24, 2011
When I grow up...
All day my 5 yr old has been talking about what she wants to be when she grows up. She finally settled on being a Dr.(palientologist(sp) to be exact) and an Opera singer. So on the way home from dinner out, she asked her brother and sister what they wanted to be. Then she asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up. (What she meant was after I was no longer a stay at home mom). Well my husband and I laughed a little and I told her that I didn't know. But after a few minutes to think about it I told her that I wanted to grow up to be a great woman of faith. My son asked what I meant by that and I told him that I wanted a prayer life so strong that I was confident that when I prayed my prayer was heard and answered. That my prayers caused situations to change because I was praying God's will. It kind of surprised me to hear myself say that, because my usual answer would have been 'take some photography or culinary classes.' But I really feel that this is the direction that my life is going in once my youngest (2) is in school. If I'm right, I'm excited about seeing where it leads. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Bis spater <3 <3 <3
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Taking a step to better health..
So, I've decided to quit soda, cold turkey starting today. My cravings for soda and sweets have been so strong lately that I feel I need to do this so that I don't become totally addicted. I know its hormonal but I can't use that as a crutch because its negating all the weight that I've lost. I have to move forward and this use my first step.
Eventually, I want to move into clean least 5 days a week without meat, then to fish only and then maybe to step at a time though O_o.
But as far as my new challenge for myself, I will try my best to update often.
Bis später! <3 <3
It's 8 days later and......I am still soda free!!!! Yay me!!!! Day 1 and 2 were the hardest because I had to go grocery shopping and they had those one liter sodas on sale for .99 and the second day we took our oldest daughter out to lunch, and I have always associated eating out with drinking soda. But I triumphed and am still going strong...So proud of me!!! :-)
Maybe after the Thanksgiving holiday, I can try to start this Maker's Diet....maybe...
Bis später! <3 <3
Eventually, I want to move into clean least 5 days a week without meat, then to fish only and then maybe to step at a time though O_o.
But as far as my new challenge for myself, I will try my best to update often.
Bis später! <3 <3
It's 8 days later and......I am still soda free!!!! Yay me!!!! Day 1 and 2 were the hardest because I had to go grocery shopping and they had those one liter sodas on sale for .99 and the second day we took our oldest daughter out to lunch, and I have always associated eating out with drinking soda. But I triumphed and am still going strong...So proud of me!!! :-)
Maybe after the Thanksgiving holiday, I can try to start this Maker's Diet....maybe...
Bis später! <3 <3
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